Local Christian Life


Local Christian Life is here to help Australians meet and know Jesus, to grow in Christian faith, and to connect with other Christians in their local area.

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About Local Christian Life

Local Christian Life is here to help Australians meet and know Jesus, to grow in Christian beliefs, and to connect with other Christians. We’re doing that by helping you find a local Christian community to call your home church, local Christian counsellors or psychologists to support you on your journey, and Christian conferences and events that can help you grow in your faith and be equipped to serve.

Along with our directory of local Christian churches, psychologist and counsellors, and events, Local Christian Life is home to a range of resources.  Our aim is to help you learn more about living a Christian life, to understand common Christian beliefs and appreciate the variety of Christian churches, and to figure out how to connect in the right place for you.

Why is Local Christian Life needed?

Just as there is an endless variety in God’s good creation, there are a wide variety of denominations in the broad Christian church within Australia. Each explores the core beliefs of the Christian faith, encourages and supports believers, shares in worship, serves their community and proclaims the gospel. Each denomination makes a unique contribution to the whole Christian church, sharing in core beliefs while offering differing emphasis.

Most church denominations have a great website to help you connect with their own local churches and Christian communities – but what if you don’t know which denomination you should choose, or you just want a great local Christian church and you don’t mind which denomination it is?

That’s where we come in – we’ll help you find all the Christian churches, counsellors and events in your local community, and resource you to make a great choice. 

Christian beliefs

Denominations Represented on Local Christian Life

There are a range of denominations represented here, including those listed below.  If your denomination is not listed and you would like it to be, please contact us

Statement of Core Christian Beliefs

Local Christian Life supports the whole Christian church, and shares in its core beliefs. We join with the church across history and geography in the Christian faith that is proclaimed in the Holy Bible, and described in brief in the ancient Nicene Creed.

The Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only son of God, eternally begotten of the Father; God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God; begotten, not made, of one being with the Father.

Through him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and was made man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried.

On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son].

With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified.

He has spoken through the Prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic* and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. AMEN.

*catholic is a word meaning ‘universal’, implying the whole Christian church

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Core Christian Beliefs Explained

God and People

Essentially Christians understand that God created everything, and shaped human beings in God’s own image. God loves us and wants to live in relationship with us.

God’s love is revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and God is present to us through the power of the Holy Spirit. The three persons of God are Father, Son and Spirit and are described as the Holy Trinity. Through worship, prayer and study of scripture we are able to come to know God’s love for us, to understand God’s will for our lives, and God’s purposes for all creation. Through loving our neighbours and serving our community we are able to give expression to God’s love, and to share in God’s mission in the world.

We enter into relationship with God through acknowledging God’s loving presence, inviting God’s participation in our lives, acknowledging that we fall short of the fullness of what God intends for us and inviting the Spirit to speak to us through scripture and through the Christian community.


Many churches extend an invitation to new Christians to consider being baptised, a special celebration of our acceptance of a life in Christ and commitment to loving and serving God. Following the model of Jesus own baptism (read Matthew 3:13-17), the baptism service often involves sprinkling or immersion in water. For more information check out our in-depth look at Baptism.

Holy Communion

Christian churches also celebrate the rite of Holy Communion (sometimes known as the Eucharist). This meal is shared in community, and recognises Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, on the night before he died. The precise form of Holy Communion varies from denomination to denomination, but it is a symbolic meal that retains a place of significance across the whole Christian church.

The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible shares the story of God and the world, beginning with accounts of creation right through to the coming of Jesus Christ, and the foundation of the Christian church. This sacred text reveals the Word of God and is read, studied and explored by Christian churches across the world in worship services, small group gatherings and dedicated bible study groups. Your local Christian community will help you to grow in your understanding of the Bible, and through it your knowledge and practice of Christian beliefs.

Our Values

Our Values align with our purpose, and our conviction that God has called us to serve Christians and the local church. Some of our values are:

Jesus at the centre

Our work is Christ-centred and non-denominational

Gospel as Good News

We want to share the good news of Jesus with all Australians

Importance of Local Church

We value the local expression of Church, the body of Christ, and want to help Christians find connection in their local community


We hope to help bring unity amongst Christians who love and follow Jesus


We recognise that while different Christian churches share core beliefs, they also have different strengths, personalities and focus, just as we do as people

Jesus Followers

We are disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe in the authority and sovereignty of God; importance of relationship with others in the body of Christ; in the place of the local church for discipleship, growth in faith, sharing in mission; importance of outreach and service in our Australian communities; importance of unity in diversity

Quality & Relevance

We are committed to providing the highest quality information we can, information that is current, accurate, relevant and contributes to the positive impacts of Christianity in our Australian society

Frequently Asked Questions

Why isn’t every local Christian community in my town or neighbourhood included in your directory?

Due to privacy legislation, we’re not able to gather whole databases of local church communities from denominational representatives. Local church communities or schools who are listed here are those who have taken the pro-active step to be included in the directory. They’re keen to meet you, and want you to be able to find them easily. If you know of a local Christian community, school or event that you’d love to see listed, contact the leaders and recommend this site to them.

Why don’t I see my Church’s denomination listed?

The list of denominations on this About page is indicative, rather than exhaustive. There are many mainstream Christian denominations and we haven’t tried to list them all. Any mainstream Christian denomination that shares in the core Christian beliefs of the Nicene Creed is welcome to list here.

Why should my Church, Counselling/Psychology Practice or Event be listed here?

Australia is a mobile population, with up to 40% of us moving house in any given five year period. That means people are always looking to connect with a new church in their new community. A recent NCLS survey found that up to 30% of people are newly arrived in their church in the last 5 years. We want to help Australians find a local church, find faith, grow in their Christian beliefs, and be active in local Christian communities. We’re here to make that journey as simple as possible, by helping those who are seeking to find you and your church, school or event.

How do I list my Church, Counseliing/Psychology Practice or Event?

The Directory at Local Christian Life is open to all local Christian communities, Christian educational institutions, counsellors/psychologists and events. Our Listing Information page has more information.  Please contact us if you have questions.

You can lodge an application on the Add Listing page. If your application is accepted, a small fee may be charged to you to maintain your listing.

I’m a Christian, can I list my business?

We’re starting localchristianlife.com.au by focussing on local Christian communities, educational institutions, counsellors/psychologists and events. In due course we plan to expand the Directory to include other types of Christian organisations and private businesses who can commit to our values and core belief statements.

What do you do with the listing fees?

Listing fees for adding your church, educational institution, counselling/psychology services or event to the directory assist with the costs of maintaining this website. We’re also committed to making regular donations to Christian charitable organisations to support the work and mission of God.

Who is localchristianlife.com.au?

We are a group of Christians, involved in local Christian communities, and who want to see Australians come to faith and explore Christian beliefs in a local Church. We want to make that journey as easy as possible. If you’d like to know more, we invite you to contact us.

Can I join your Church?

Local Christian Life isn’t a church. We’re involved in multiple local Christian communities, of different denominations, in towns and neighbourhoods across Australia. We’d love to help you find the right Church so that you can learn, grow, worship and serve with others in your local setting.

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