Local Christian Life

Christian Churches in Australia

Find a local Christian church, connect with fellow believers and grow in your walk with Jesus.

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There are Christian churches in Australia in almost every town, city and neighbourhood. Whether you live in a metropolitan area, a regional city or a small town or rural community, there are Christians nearby gathering in local churches to worship God, proclaim the Good news and serve in mission.

We’re here to help you connect with a local church in your town or neighbourhood, to help you grow in your faith, in your relationship with God and with other fellow Christians and so you can be equipped for serving Jesus.

Variety is the Spice of Life

There are many different denominations, or kinds, of Christian churches in Australia. They vary for many reasons – from preferences for different styles of church services, different music, in response to local community needs, different theological beliefs or prioritising different approaches to mission and service. There are varied cultural backgrounds too, or approaches to ministry with young people or families. All of these different factors can impact how a local Christian church looks and feels.

Christian church denominations in Australia share the same core beliefs, but have different expression of those beliefs. Some local churches are organised into different denominations – each of which also have different ways of self-organising, different ways of training and employing pastors or ministers and so on. Some local churches are independent community churches, not part of a broader network or denomination. Each different Christian church can add something positive to the community at large, and the wider Christian family. Variety really is the spice of life.

christian churches in australia

Why be part of a Church?

We believe that God created us, and loves us. God’s design for us is to live in community, and God’s design for the Christian faith is to share it in the richness of a local Christian community, a local church. Local Christian communities are groups of people who gather together for church services to worship God, who learn and grow as disciples of Jesus, who share the good news of the gospel, who serve their communities in love, and who grow in healthy relationships with one another.

The local church is a vital part of God’s plan for you, for us, for our world. We’re here to help you find a church that can help super-charge your faith. 

How do I choose a Church?

Finding a Church can be a deeply personal task, and can be different for everybody. 

There are different issues and priorities to weigh up. Here are a few things to consider:

What about my kids?

For some people a priority is to find a church that particularly offers support for children, young people and families. Youth groups, play groups, families pastors are some of the signs this might be the case.

How close to where I live?

For some people being very involved in their local community is important, so the priority is to find the nearest Christian church to their home. Others are happy to travel further - maybe even all the way across a city - to find the right church.

What groups and activities?

As well as the gathered worship service, what other activities are important to you? BIble study groups? Craft groups? Kids or youth groups? Mens fellowship groups? Community service initiatives? Think about your (and your family’s) needs when looking to find a local christian church.

How big?

The size of the local church can matter too. For some a small, intimate group helps them feel safe, included and at home, where for others the energy and enthusiasm of a large Christian community fuels excitement about their faith.

What are the church services like?

Finding a local church where the style of worship in the church service feels ‘right’ can be of great importance. Maybe you like modern worship music, or traditional hymns. Maybe sharing in Holy Communion every week matters, or the quality of the sermon is most important.

What are the theological beliefs?

While Australian Christian churches share core beliefs, there are many issues on which there is much variation. Some people look for a church where they have 100% agreement on such questions - while others are happy to share in the core beliefs and learn and grow in areas of disagreement. Significant issues such as the ordination of women, wealth and poverty, politics, sexuality are thought of distinctly in different local churches, as well as deeply complex theological matters.

What mission and service?

A key part of the Christian faith is to share God’s love in both word and deed. Jesus calls us to love God and love our neighbour, and different local churches will give expression to that call to mission and service differently. You might want to be part of a local church that supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, refugee communities, address poverty, helps single parent families, runs a school or child-care centre, or an active evangelism program.

What cultural mix?

Some Christian churches are built around a particular cultural group - perhaps a migrant or ethnic group for example. Others are intentionally multi-cultural, welcoming people from many different cultural backgrounds and trying to include different faith perspectives from many cultures. Many local Christian churches in Australia will conduct worship services in English language, but others may offer services and activities in other languages.

Weighing up all of these different issues can be a big task. Take some time to explore our Directory to find a local church that suits you, or dive into our articles for more information.

Once you have chosen a local church you’d like to try, you can visit their website or social media pages, listen to recorded sermons or church services, or pay the church a visit to join in a worship service.

Church services can vary from week-to-week with visiting speakers, special services or celebrations such as baptisms – so it might be worth visiting a few times to get a more complete feel for the church and its style and rhythms. It’s also possible to start with more social events – like mens, womens, youth or family gatherings that might be advertised on the church’s website or social media page.

The role of Churches in our society

The Christian church exists in response to God’s love, and God’s call for us to gather in community. The key roles for churches include:

  • Worship: to gather Christians together to worship God, learn and grow as disciples of Jesus, and carry on with the traditions of prayer, study, and exploring the Christian faith is the primary purpose of the Christian church.
  • Pastoral Care: we are called to love and care for one another in all seasons of life as we would care for our own families.  This expression of God is central to the local church. 
  • Witnessing: to continue to share the story of the Christian faith, reminding people that God created and loves them, and inviting them to live in relationship with God. This is the sharing of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Local churches share the good news in local communities across Australia and also send and support missionaries to remote and overseas destinations.
  • Serving: The Christian church exists to love, because God first loved us. Jesus himself invited us to care for the sick, the imprisoned, the vulnerable, to clothe the naked and feed the hungry. Many local churches serve in a variety of ways in their local community, but this role is also the reason why larger church organisations like the Salvation Army, BlueCare, Anglicare, Mission Australia or Christian schools and hospitals exist today.
  • Advocacy: Christian churches also advocate on behalf of the poor and marginalised, calling governments to account to ensure that our society is fair and just, and a reflection of God’s kingdom values.

For more on the role of churches in our society, head to our in depth review.

What to expect at a Christian Church service

The centre-piece for the local Christian church is usually a church service (sometimes known as a worship service).

Many church communities gather at the traditional time of Sunday morning, while others will gather in an afternoon or evening, or on a different day of the week. Most will meet in a purpose built local church building, while some will meet in local community facilities such as halls, or school buildings. Some might even gather in a cafe, park or home of a church member or leader for their church service.

Most church services will include a variety of prayers, reading from the Holy Bible, singing hymns and worship songs, a sermon or message from a pastor or preacher, and news or announcements about that local church. Many will provide an “order of service” booklet, or display song and prayer words onto a big screen for you to follow along.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion (also known as The Lord’s Supper, or the Eucharist) is an important part of many church services. Holy Communion is a remembering and sharing symbolically in Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, a meal they shared the night before he was crucified. In that meal Jesus offered his followers a new way of understanding their relationship with God, a new covenantal relationship.

Holy Communion is understood differently in different local churches, and practised differently too. In some places you will be served a small portion of bread and grape juice in your seat, in others you will go to service points at the front of the church. In some places visitors are welcome to participate in Holy Communion while in others it is for members of the church only. Follow the instructions given by the pastor or priest, and the lead of those sitting nearby.


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Traditional or Contemporary

Some church services are quite formal or traditional in style and language, while others will be more casual or informal. In some church services the minister or priest might wear a special robe called an alb, while in others the leaders will wear more casual clothing.

Some church services will feature traditional music and instruments – maybe even a pipe organ – while others will feature bands and more modern songs and instruments. There will sometimes be hearing aid loops to assist if you are hard of hearing – be sure to ask where to sit if this is the case for you.

Some church buildings will feature lots of traditional features – stained glass windows, ornate decorations, timber pews and so on – while others will be more simply decorated or contemporary in presentation.

Children's Programs

Some church services will include a special section for kids, including particular songs or messages, and may even include the opportunity for children to leave the main service to share in a special kids program (sometimes known as Children’s Church or Sunday School). If you have kids, it might be worth asking when you arrive at the start of the service what arrangements there are for children. You will usually be welcome to accompany them to the kids program if you’re not sure that they’ll be ok on their own.

A Warm Welcome

There will usually be someone waiting by the front door to welcome visitors to the service. They’re there to care for you, welcome you and if you have children or teens, they can let you know if there is a children’s church or youth service. Be sure to say hi!

In many local churches the worship service will be followed by a warm and welcoming morning tea. This is an ideal opportunity to meet some of the church members or leaders and start to establish relationships that can help a local church feel like home.

Christian churches in Australia play a vital role in connecting Christians and discipling people as they follow Jesus. They’re ready to support you on your journey getting to know God. Use the resources here to help find the right church for you to connect with.

Finding a Local Christian Church

Search our directory of Christian churches in Australia to find one near you, where you can connect with other Christians. Together we grow in our faith, in our relationship with God and with other fellow Christians so we can be equipped for serving Jesus.

List Your Christian Church

If you are representing your local Christian church, we want to help you let people know about your church. Whether you are a small local church or large church with multiple locations, we want to help you get the word out. We invite you to list your church here at Local Christian Life to help people find and connect with you.  Our Listing Information page should provide all the information, but feel free to email us if you have any questions. 

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